
Agyemang, M., Radwan, N., Hicks, S., Azhar, F., Valencia-Romero, A., McComb, C., 2022, “Deriving Recommendations for the Use of Agent-Based Models in Engineering Design,” ASME Paper No. DETC2022-90961, p. V006T06A034.


Stern, J.L., Valencia-Romero, A., and Grogan, P.T., 2022, “Strategic Robustness in Bi-level System-of-systems Design," Des. Sci., 8(e6), pp. 1–31.


Valencia-Romero, A. and Grogan, P.T., 2020, “Structured to Succeed?: Strategy Dynamics in Engineering Systems Design and their Effect on Collective Performance," ASME J. Mech. Des., 142(12), p. 121404.


Grogan, P.T. and Valencia-Romero, A., 2019, “Strategic Risk Dominance in Collective Systems Design,” Des. Sci., 5(e24), pp. 1–28.


Avşar, A.Z., Valencia-Romero, A., and Grogan, P.T., 2019, “The Effects of Locus of Control and Big Five Personality Traits on Collaborative Engineering Design Tasks with Negotiation,” ASME Paper No. DETC2019-97311, p. V007T06A031.


Valencia-Romero, A. and Grogan, P.T., 2018, “Toward a Model-Based Experimental Approach to Assessing Collective Systems Design,” ASME Paper No. DETC2018-85786, p. V007T06A027.


Valencia-Romero, A. and Lugo, J., 2017, “An Immersive Virtual Discrete Choice Experiment for Elicitation of Product Aesthetics Using Gestalt Principles,” Des. Sci., 3(e11), pp. 1–24.


Valencia-Romero, A. and Lugo, J., 2016, “Quantification of Symmetry, Parallelism, and Continuity as Continuous Design Variables for Three-dimensional Product Representations,” ASME Paper No. DETC2018-85786, p. V007T06A027.


Valencia-Romero, A. and Lugo, J., 2016, “Part-Worth Utilities of Gestalt Principles for Product Esthetics: A Case Study of a Bottle Silhouette,” ASME J. Mech. Des., 138(8), p. 081102.